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A World View Interview with John Legend


Temat: Edukacja

Sundquist: What's up, YouTube? My name is Josh Sundquist.
I'm a YouTube partner and a motivational speaker.
I'm thrilled today to be in New York City
with nine-time Grammy Award winner John Legend.
John, thanks for being with us.
Legend: It's good to be here.
Sundquist: So this is how it's gonna work.
We're gonna be talking about education today.
In the last several days,
thousands of people around the world
have submitted questions on YouTube.
The YouTube community has also voted
on which questions they like best.
Those are the ones we're gonna be talking about.
Legend: Cool.
I'm excited to see what they've come up with.
Sundquist: All right, rock and roll.
First one is a video question.
Legend: All right.
Conrrado: Hi, I'm Conrrado, and I just wanted to know,
when did you start caring about education?
Legend: Well, I guess when I was a kid
I cared about my own education.
But I didn't really think that deeply
about how it affected so many other kids.
When you're in school,
I think your main focus is just trying to get by,
trying to get good grades,
trying to get your homework done,
trying to do well on the next test.
And then, actually, when I was in high school,
I was president of the student body
at my high school...
Sundquist: Nice.
Legend: And one of the things that I wanted to do
was start a tutoring program
so that kids who were doing well in school
could help those who weren't doing so well
who needed help.
So I started this thing called the peer tutoring program,
and, you know, at the time,
I didn't realize the situation in my school
that, you know, like,
500 kids would start their freshman year of class,
but only, you know, 250 would graduate,
something like that.
And I didn't know I was attending a school
that would be classified as a dropout factory at the time.
And I was in advanced-placement classes,
so I was surrounded by a bunch of smart kids,
and we had the best teachers in those classes
and, you know, really rigorous work.
But I didn't realize, you know,
in the lower, you know, ranks of the class,
there were a bunch of kids that were getting left behind
and dropping out.
And I actually didn't become familiar with those statistics
until I graduated and noticed that the class was a lot smaller
than it was when I started.
And, you know, I thought,
"Oh, maybe they went to a different school."
I didn't know what happened.
But what's happening in way too many schools in this country
is a bunch of kids are dropping out of high school.
And that phenomenon is particularly concentrated
in some of our poorest communities
and communities where kids need an education the most.
And I started caring about poverty a lot,
you know, growing up.
You know, I would read about poverty,
I would read about, you know, Martin Luther King
and what he did to fight for rights and for justice,
and he would lead things like the Poor People's March,
and he cared about economic inequality.
And I've always cared about that issue.
And the more resources I've gotten,
the more power, the more fame,
the more influence I've gotten,
I've always wanted to use that
to help people who were in poverty.
And the more I looked into it,
the more I saw that the most effective way
to break the cycle of poverty,
to make transformative change in someone's life,
to, uh, you know, when they're stuck in something,
when they're stuck in a situation
they need to get out of,
the best way to empower them
is to make sure they get a good education.
And, unfortunately, in America
and in many places around the world,
far too many people don't get a quality education.
And more likely than not,
if they don't,
they're doomed to be stuck in poverty.
Sundquist: Got ya. Here's our next question.
It's a text question from Monique in New Jersey.
"Do you think improving
"the American public-education system will, in turn,
"help combat poverty?
And if so, where do you think education reform should begin?"
Legend: Yeah, I mean, as you can tell from my last answer,
I think education can have a very significant impact
on changing the situation with poverty.
If you give someone the power to know about their surroundings,
the power to get a good job,
the power to--to really--
to really understand the world around them,
then it gives them the power to get out of poverty.
But a lot of times people say we have to fix poverty
before we can fix education,
because these kids come to school, they're poor,
they have families that may be barely literate
or may not understand how to properly
prepare their kids for school.
And they say if we don't fix
all these surrounding conditions in their neighborhoods,
then there's no way we can fix the schools.
But my argument is,
and I think the argument of many education reformers
is that the only way we're gonna fix poverty
is to fix education, rather than vice versa.
Sundquist: Yeah, that's the way to break the cycle.
Legend: Yeah, and once you decide that, you know,
the government and society
has a huge influence on these kids
for seven, eight hours a day--
six, seven, eight hours a day--
the bulk of their awake hours
are spent in school or doing homework,
that means that what goes on in that setting
is going to have a huge impact on their lives.
And to the extent that we can control those surroundings
and make those surroundings the most conducive to learning,
the most productive,
the most enriching for these kids' lives,
we can truly change their lives.
Sundquist: All right, next question.
Another text question from Claw in Utah.
He says, "Studies show that a person's home life
"is more important than school
"in predicting academic success.
"As we reform schools,
"how do we ensure that home-life supplements,
"like social-service programs,
work with schools to boost achievement?"
Legend: I agree that home life is a huge factor
in a kid's life.
I mean, you can pretty much predict
how well a kid's gonna do in life
based on, you know, poverty level,
based on the neighborhood that they grow up in,
based on the education of their parents.
Those factors are usually very reliable predictors
of someone's future success.
The only caveat I would say about that
is, given all of that,
the thing that the government,
that society, that we as a broader community
have so much control over
is what happens in the four walls of a school
between, you know, 8:00 and 4:00
or, you know, whatever the times are
that the kids are in school.
We can't control every aspect of their home life.
We can't control every aspect of their neighborhood life,
but what happens in the school
is actually very impactful in a kid's life.
And a lot of kids come from poverty,
come from tough neighborhoods,
come from, you know, parents that didn't go to college,
and do well.
And a lot of them are concentrated
in school environments that are really good
and doing great work.
And so the question we can ask ourselves is--
We know that, you know,
poverty has an impact on these kids' lives.
We know that their parental situation
has a big impact on their lives--
some of them have single parents--
all these things, we know all these factors,
but if we take those as a given, what can we change,
what can we control, what can we impact?
And what I've seen
with schools that are being successful around the country
that those schools can change the trajectory of those kids.
Where we would expect them to do poorly in life
because they come from poverty,
these schools are changing that trajectory.
They're sending them to college
despite the odds.
They're getting their test scores up
despite the odds.
So that shows me that an effective school
with effective leadership and great teachers
can change the trajectory of these kids' lives.
So we can keep saying, you know,
"Until we fix poverty, we can't fix education."
But we know that schools around the country
are saying, "Despite the fact
"that these kids come in with all these disadvantages,
"we're going to educate our kids,
and we're going to not accept 'no' for an answer."
And the schools that are succeeding
are doing that because they go in with that mentality,
that we have to raise our expectations for these kids.
They can do better than what people thought they could do.
And they're proving that that's true.
Sundquist: So education is the place to focus?
Legend: I believe that.
And I still think it's important that
our social services are intact,
and a lot of the schools that are doing well
are doing so because they're taking the emotional life
of the kids into account as well.
So they understand these kids have traumatic circumstances
sometimes at home.
So they have more robust counseling,
take the whole kid's well-being and their health
into consideration as well.
So that doesn't mean all you care about are schools,
and you don't care about their emotional
and physical well-being.
It's not an either/or question.
I think it's more of a "both" question.
Sundquist: Yeah, that there can be a holistic approach.
Legend: Yeah, absolutely.
And there are plenty of schools that I've seen
that are very successful at taking that holistic approach.
But no one wins by saying,
"Well, until you fix all those other things,
you can't fix the schools."
No one wins by doing that.
We have to say, "Let's do both."
Sundquist: Sweet. Next question.
Another text question from CoffeeCream
in Van Nuys, California.
"What volunteer work can we do to help raise awareness
about the importance of reading?"
Legend: Well, reading is so important,
and you'd be amazed at how poorly
some of our kids do on reading tests,
how many of our schools--
how many of our kids go into-- even to high school
being functionally illiterate.
We need to make sure that our kids can read
before they can learn anything else.
And so volunteering to help with that is important.
You know, a lot of the schools I work with
offer tutoring programs for the kids,
where community members can come in and volunteer.
And my theory is that
any person who has the ability to help out
should figure out a way to get in touch with a local school
in their community and say, "What can I do to help?"
We have to realize that these kids are our kids, you know?
We have to--You know that saying "it takes a village"?
I think that's a real thing.
Sundquist: Yeah.
Legend: Our communities need to take ownership
of our schools and say,
"It's important that these schools
"develop and produce kids
who are gonna contribute to society."
And the only way that's gonna happen
is if we say, "We're all in this together,
and we want to make sure these kids do well."
Even if they're not your flesh and blood,
they're part of your community,
and they're gonna affect the health
and the well-being of your community for a long time.
So anybody who has the ability and the resources
to tutor, to donate, to do anything they can
to help their local schools,
I think it's a great thing to do.
Sundquist: All right, next question, video.
Chris: Hi, I'm Chris from San Diego.
And I was wondering,
in economically disadvantaged families,
there's a lot of pressure to start working full-time
as soon as possible.
How can you change the thought process
to make education more valuable than earning money
for a family that really needs it?
Legend: Well, that's a good question.
I'm not that familiar with that issue.
I know--I mean, even in my family,
we didn't have a lot of money,
and I needed to work in high school and in college
to survive.
My parents didn't have enough to--
You know, even if I just wanted spending money
to go to McDonald's or whatever
or if I wanted to buy a pair of shoes that I wanted,
the only way I was gonna get that was by working.
So I worked throughout high school
as soon as I was old enough to do so.
And I worked throughout college.
And I think, you know,
that's the reality of a lot of kids' circumstance,
and you hope they'll be in a situation
where they don't have to do that,
but the reality is that a lot of kids will have to work.
But I think most parents
understand the value of a good education,
even if they didn't get it themselves.
Most parents that I encounter,
even if they didn't go to college,
they want their kid to go to college.
I was part of the film "Waiting for Superman,"
and you'll see in the film
a lot of these families are struggling.
They know they didn't get the kind of education
that they would have hoped they could have gotten,
but they want better for their kids.
And I would say most parents that I encounter,
even in the poorest of situations,
they want better for their kids,
and they want them to do the best they can.
And they know that college
is a part of fulfilling the American dream,
and they want that for their kids.
Sundquist: Yeah.
All right, next question from Melissa in Seattle.
"While I appreciate anyone who cares about public education,
"I wish you considered more voices like Diane Ravitch.
"Charters, Teach for America,
"and privatization of public schools
"are not the only possible answers to failing schools.
What do you say?"
Legend: I would say--
Well, I have considered Diane Ravitch's opinions.
I've read quite a bit of her writings,
and I'm a little bit frustrated sometimes,
because when I read her writings,
it strikes me that she seems particularly obsessed
with criticizing charter schools
and saying that any of their results
are, you know, illusions
or that they're overinflated.
And she seems like she's a bit on a mission
to destroy the reputation of charter schools.
And I feel like the last editorial I read that she wrote
in "The New York Times," I just saw so many straw men,
so many mischaracterizations
of her opponents' views,
and a significant amount of intellectual dishonesty
in her writing.
So it made me wonder, "Well, what's her mission?"
I don't understand what her goal is
if she's not making arguments
that are based on kind of a well-rounded view
of the facts.
The facts are there are some charter schools
that are successful.
There are some charter schools that are not.
But a significant number of charter schools
are very successful,
to the extent that we should want to learn
why they're so successful.
Not try to knock down the statistics.
We should want to figure out what is so--
what is the reason that these schools are so successful,
and how can we replicate that?
I'm not devoted to the charter model.
I think--I'm devoted to good schools wherever they come.
And if we find out that other types
of, you know, school authorization...
mechanisms work,
I don't care about the authorization mechanism
and how these schools are organized.
I care that they're doing the best job for these kids.
If you're a kid, if you're a parent
in a tough community,
all you care about is getting that lifeline.
You want to go to a great school
that's gonna have great teachers,
that's gonna prepare you for success.
You don't care whether it's a charter.
You don't care whether it's a traditional public school.
And by the way, charters are public schools.
So it's kind of a false argument to say
this is all about privatization
and corporatization of schools,
because charters are public schools,
and they're actually funded
less than traditional public schools.
And they have to go out and raise a lot of their money
so that they can operate on a par
with traditional public schools.
So, you know, I want good schools
to be in every community,
and if we see that certain schools
are doing a great job,
let's not try to tear them down,
let's not try to find reasons to criticize them.
Let's make all of our schools better.
Let's make all of our schools accountable.
And if they're charter schools,
if they're traditional public schools,
or if they're private schools,
we want all of our kids to go to great schools.
Sundquist: Mm-hmm.
So, for you, it's not necessarily
about charter schools versus traditional public schools.
It's about what works best, and let's do that.
Legend: Yeah, and the thing that's been--
that has excited people about the charter-school movement
is that these schools have had freedom
to work outside of the traditional regime.
And when you need radical change
to improve the outcomes of these kids,
sometimes you need to go outside the traditional regime
to find what works,
because, otherwise, you have all these rules.
You have these work rules that say you can't work
past a certain amount of time.
You can't fire ineffective teachers.
You have all these rules that are saying
you can't do this and that,
and no organization can run
if they don't have the freedom
to experiment and do things that might work.
If things have been not working for so long,
you need to figure out what's gonna work,
and charter schools have had the freedom
to learn what might work, when traditional schools
have been failing at that mission.
And so...
this argument is kind of set up in a way
that is not conducive for us to really reform the schools.
It's saying charter versus public.
First of all, charter schools are public schools.
And it should be about charter versus public.
It should be about, where are the good schools?
Why are they working? How can we replicate it?
Sundquist: Hmm.
Next question from SoulBrotha in Oakland, California.
"Considering the dropout rate in low-income communities
"in conjunction with the overall cuts to education
"in terms of jobs and programs,
"how can we prevent education
from becoming another color line?"
Legend: Oh, it's too late. It already is.
We have to change that story,
but it is--
I mean, it's been a part of the color line
since, you know, America's existence.
When black folks were enslaved,
they weren't educated.
They were denied an education then.
After slavery, with Jim Crow,
it was very difficult for a black person
to get a good education.
And in America now,
not explicitly along racial lines,
but because of poverty,
because schools are usually community-based
and based on, you know, property values
and property taxes in that community,
if you're poor,
it's difficult for you to go to a quality school.
So it's just really a perpetuation
of--of an unfortunate part of America's legacy.
Sundquist: Hmm.
Martinez: Hi, my name is Phil Martinez.
And I was wondering, since you're a musician
and also a charity worker, how do you manage your time?
Legend: Well, I was in the studio
till 2:00 a.m. last night.
Wrote a new song.
Sundquist: All right.
Like, the whole thing?
Like, you started and finished, like--
Legend: Yeah, we started and finished a song.
That's how I write.
I usually do everything in one sitting.
So it usually takes, like, four or five hours
to try to write a good song.
Some are better than others.
Some are worse than others.
But I did that last night,
and then I woke up at 7:00 this morning
to get ready to be here.
And, you know, that's just my life.
And, you know, I do the things
that I want to do and that I love to do.
I don't wake up and do anything that I don't want to do.
I love doing this.
I love talking about education.
I love helping kids get a quality education
and being a part of the solution
to a really important problem in this country.
And I also love making music,
and I'm about to go on tour with Sade and have a great time.
So, you know, I make it work.
Sundquist: That's cool.
Next question, a text question from Australia.
"I work as an ambassador for Teach for Australia
"and was wondering,
"what do you think the key is to encouraging young people
"to make a difference through the program
"despite the allure
of the awaiting corporate world?"
Legend: Well...
fortunately for education recruiters,
not fortunately for the country,
but we're in a bit of a recession,
and it's pretty much a global recession.
And so young people are finding that it's not so easy
to find a corporate job coming out of school, anyway.
So this creates an opportunity
for education recruiters to say,
"Hey, why don't you consider working in education?"
Maybe you won't spend the rest of your life
working in education,
but maybe you'll spend a significant amount of your 20s
doing it or whatever.
Use this great knowledge that you've gained going to college
and help somebody else.
So I think it appeals to people's altruism,
and there's an economic argument for it at this point
because of the lack of other options that are out there
for people graduating from school.
Now, the question is for the future, though,
from a public-policy perspective,
is, do we want education to be, like,
the fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth option
for a talented college graduate?
Or do we want it to move up on the list?
And the only way we're gonna be able to do that
is to make it more attractive,
and, honestly, I think we should pay teachers more.
Sundquist: Yeah.
Legend: Make it a more appealing profession
for our most talented kids.
If you see places like Finland
or other countries where they have highly successful schools,
part of the reason is that a lot of their top graduates
are going to teach after college.
In the U.S., that's not normally the case.
Sundquist: Right.
Legend: And so, if we want to change that story,
we need to make teaching more attractive
for our top college graduates.
And part of that is going to be making sure
that teachers get paid well.
And then, additionally, we have to make sure
they have a great environment to work in,
an environment that fosters creativity,
accountability, challenges them in the right ways
and develops them in the right ways.
Sundquist: Yeah.
And you're on the board for Teach for America.
Legend: Yes, I'm on the board for Teach for America.
And fortunately for Teach for America,
the issue hasn't been the lack of qualified candidates.
There's been lots of young people
that want to get involved, and like I said,
the state of the economy actually helps with that story.
For that to be sustainable where we always have
a bunch of great kids that want to teach,
again, like I said, I think we need to make
the career more attractive.
Sundquist: Yeah, yeah, 'cause it seems like that's
one of the things that TFA has done really well,
is sort of make education a--
like, sort of not only, like, a valid
but sort of a prestigious option.
Legend: Yeah, and they make it a mission.
If you read Wendy Kopp's book,
you know that there's a certain zeal
that the organization has, that she has,
that the young people that join the organization have.
You know, they've drunk the Kool-Aid in a certain sense,
in a good way.
They really believe that real change can happen
if we're serious about it
and if we devote ourselves
to putting a great teacher in every classroom,
to putting great school leaders
and great superintendents in charge
that are really interested in raising the expectations
and raising the bar for the schools.
And once those young people spend a few years in the schools
and see what's possible,
then a lot of them go on to become
some of the most influential reformers,
because they know what they saw,
they know what they were able to do
in their short time teaching,
and they say, you know,
"We've got to do better as a school system."
The founders of KIPP schools
were Teach for America alumni,
and they learned what was possible
by being out there.
In their first year, they struggled.
You know, they got better as they went along as teachers.
But they learned that great teachers
can make really transformative change in kids' lives.
And they wanted to have a school system
that fostered that and developed that,
and they founded one of the highest-performing groups
of charter schools in the country
and, I believe, the largest group,
which is KIPP schools.
And they do amazing, amazing work.
They, um--They, um, are highly accountable.
They measure themselves on any number of factors,
like college-graduation rates, high-school-graduation rates,
test scores, all these things.
They really want to make a real impact,
and they set their expectations very high.
And part of that zeal,
part of that passion for reform,
came from their experience in Teach for America.
So I think it's a powerful way
to involve really talented, motivated young people
in our education system.
We need more people like that.
Sundquist: Yeah.
Next question from MrSticky.
"Being a musical artist yourself,
"what are your thoughts on the arts in school?
"Should they be cut or kept?
I'm gonna go ahead and assume that you're gonna think
they should be kept.
"If the latter," though--
here's the interesting part of the question--
"are they in need of more funding,
or is the funding in need of more management?"
Legend: Well, first of all,
very clearly the arts have made
a huge impact in my life.
And a lot of that happened in school.
You know, I don't watch "Glee,"
but I get the sense that "Glee" actually is helpful
in this argument right now.
Sundquist: Yeah, I think so.
Legend: Because what's happening with "Glee"
is that people are seeing that the arts--
They're, you know, seeing it on television,
that the arts can be such an important part
of the lifeblood of a school,
part of the education that kids receive,
because education is not just
about standardized tests.
It's not just about math.
It's not just about, you know, kind of the harder subjects.
Part of it is about understanding yourself,
understanding how you relate to others,
understanding critical thinking
and how to craft an argument,
how to understand other people's point of view.
And a lot of that is developed through the arts.
And I-I feel so sad knowing that
because of, you know, budget crunches
and all these other things
that some kids won't get the kind of arts education
that I was able to get in school,
which was such a powerful thing for me.
It brought me out of my shell.
It made me more excited to come to school every day.
And these things--We can't take these things for granted.
I think they really make a big difference in kids' lives.
And, actually, I think some studies even show
that it helps you with your math.
So, when you see all of that,
again, I hate that we have to have an either/or kind of debate
about these things.
It should be all of the above.
It shouldn't be math and reading and history
versus the arts.
It should be all of the above.
And they complement each other and sustain each other.
And so I'm of the belief that we need to make sure
our schools are fully funded
in a way that they need to be funded
to make sure we have great teachers,
make sure we have all the programs that kids need
to succeed.
And if that means we have to cut back on other things
in our society, then so be it.
If that means we have to raise taxes,
then so be it.
Sundquist: All right, next question
from Andy in New York.
"What inspires you to perform?
"In addition, what also keeps you motivated
and performing at a high level?"
Legend: Well, I love music.
I've loved music since I was a kid.
I love being onstage. I love writing a song.
I love the feeling that I get when a song comes together
and it just feels right
and I just know I'm gonna be proud to sing it onstage
in front of, you know, thousands of people.
I love it. I love what I do.
And I'm also ambitious,
and I'm also-- I'm also competitive.
So I want to win.
I want to be successful at what I do.
And so I'm committed to working hard.
I'm committed to going to the studio
and working on a song, you know,
the umpteenth version of it
to make sure I get it exactly right.
I'm committed to that.
I'm committed to rehearsing with my band
till we get the show exactly right.
We want to do the best show in the business.
And so part of it is just my love for music,
part of it is me being competitive,
but all of that makes me want to perform at a high level.
Sundquist: Yeah, it doesn't sound
like motivation is an issue for you.
Legend: Yeah, I mean, like I said,
I get to do what I love to do every day,
and I don't take that for granted,
and I want to continue to try to be the best at it.
Sundquist: One more music question.
"Who is your greatest musical influence?"
Legend: I think my greatest musical influence
is Stevie Wonder.
But I've listened to so many different artists overtime.
Some other people that are influential to me
are Nina Simone, Marvin Gaye,
Ray Charles, Jeff Buckley,
The Beatles.
Those are some of my favorite artists
and people that, uh...
you know, I've taken things from and tried to, you know,
see how I could incorporate it into my own music.
Sundquist: Got ya.
All right, so, now, there's a section here
at the end of the interview called "The Big Three"
with three questions from World View.
"What is one experience that changed your view of the world?"
Legend: Well...
that's interesting.
There's been many.
One significant experience
was getting involved with Jeffrey Sachs,
who is a professor at Columbia
and one of the leading thinkers in the world
on the global economy
and particularly around development
in developing countries.
And I read his book called "The End of Poverty,"
and then I found him after reading his book
and said, you know,
"I would love to do some work with you all
and see if I could help out."
I went on a trip with his organization to Ghana
and to Tanzania.
And we ended up adopting one of the Millennium Villages
in Tanzania
and started the Show Me campaign
really as a response to what we saw
when we went out to Africa.
And so I would say that was a significant experience
in my life that really changed my world view
and made me more and more committed
to fighting poverty around the world.
Sundquist: Yeah, sound like it was a big influence...
Legend: Yeah.
Sundquist: On your work. Here we go.
Number two of The Big Three.
"If you could ask any world leader a question,
what would it be, and who would you ask?"
Legend: Well, I guess right now
I would love to sit--
You know, I'm friendly with President Obama.
But I haven't really gotten to sit with him
since, you know, when he was a senator
and he was still thinking about running for president.
Sundquist: Yeah.
Legend: And I would love to sit with him for an hour
and have, like, a candid conversation
about what's going on in America
and what's going on in the world.
I feel like we're at a really interesting time right now.
We're at an interesting time
when it comes to kind of overall fiscal policy,
overall direction of the country,
when it comes to education,
when it comes to the environment,
when it comes to the wars that are happening
in, you know, Afghanistan, Iraq,
and the conflict in Libya.
There's so many interesting things going on in the world,
and President Obama has, you know,
all this intelligence, the, you know--
his mental intelligence but also the intelligence
that he's hearing from, you know, the CIA
and all these other sources.
And it must be interesting to talk to someone
who knows so much about what's going on in the world
and see what their perspective is
on how to fix it.
And I would love to have a candid conversation,
you know, outside of the kind of--
the kind of gotcha politics that, you know,
he has to be wary of when he's in interviews.
I would love to just have a candid conversation about it.
Sundquist: Yeah.
And then the final question of The Big Three--
"What is the biggest problem facing the next generation,
and what can we do to solve it?"
And this is also your last question
from YouTube World View.
Legend: Well, I think...
I don't know if there's one problem
that I could say is the biggest problem.
Obviously, I've chosen to focus on education.
And I think it's really important for me,
because I'm of the belief
that every life is valuable,
that every kid should have an opportunity to succeed,
an opportunity to shine,
an opportunity to be the best they can be.
And I feel like if they don't get the opportunity
to get a great education,
then they won't be able to fully realize themselves
and be the best person that they can be.
And so that's why I've chosen to focus on that.
I believe it will impact
so many other aspects of life.
It'll impact crime. It'll impact the economy.
It'll impact the way we relate to each other,
you know, across ethnic lines
and across international lines.
I think education is such a powerful tool
to change the world.
And we need to do a better job around the world
of making sure that more kids
are able to get a good education.
Sundquist: Well, John, thanks so much for coming in today.
Appreciate your time. Legend: It's a pleasure.
Sundquist: I'm Josh Sundquist. This is John Legend.
I encourage you after this video
to check out John's channel on YouTube,
I'd be honored if you check out my channel,
And I also encourage you to check out youtube.com/edu,
an amazing channel put together by YouTube,
where you can learn about everything,
from playing the piano to nuclear physics
and everything in between.
Thanks again for watching. I'm Josh Sundquist.
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