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  4. Teksty

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  5. Słowa

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Tara Stiles: Vegan Mac and Cheese Recipe


Temat: Jedzenie

Hey everyone, I'm Tara Stiles and welcome to Livestrong Woman. So today, I'm going to
show you one of my newly favorite recipes that I've made dozen times, and I've only
known about this recipe for a couple months. So I got it from a great website Detoxinista.com.
It's a mac n' cheese with a cashew sauce that you'll make in your Vitamix. And it has broccoli
and mushrooms, cashews, nutritional yeast, some lemon, garlic, red pepper flakes, and
dijon mustard. So, this is exciting. So we're take our broccoli, chop it up, and you're
just gonna put it on a cookie sheet or a baking sheet, whatever you got. And we're gonna roast
this into the oven while we're waiting for the water to boil for our pasta. So here we
go, into the oven with our broccoli. Alrighty. So we're still waiting for our water to boil.
And when we do that, we will have the pasta in the water. So in the meantime, we can make
our cheese sauce. So, off with your top for the Vitamix, and we're gonna just have about
a cup and half of cashews. You can also play around with the thickness, cashews to water.
So if you like it super cheesy, you know, less water is good. Here we go with some water.
And we're gonna have -- I like a lot of garlic, so two cloves of garlic in. Mushrooms are
gonna come later. We're gonna have some red pepper flakes for seasoning and spiciness.
This is very exciting. And some dijon mustard -- I've got some Grey Poupon here, which is
awesome. So, about a big, heaping tablespoon is nice with this. So in with the Grey Poupon.
And the next thing we have is our nutritional yeast, which is really great too. And about
a quarter cup of that. So here we go. On with the lid, and we will blend. Time to blend.
Here we go. Awesome. So this is really good. I've had people come right over to the Vitamix
and say "Give me some of that." Smells amazing. So, we're gonna have that on the side while
we wait for broccoli to roast. And we're gonna make our pasta shells. Alright, our water
is boiling, so we're gonna put our pasta in the boiling water, and that should be done
in about 15 minutes, and then we'll get to combine everything together. And it's gonna
be awesome. Alright, so our pasta is ready. So we're gonna just take it out of our pot
and drain the water. Here we go, super exciting. So we're gonna need to hang onto to this pot
because we're gonna combine everything right in this guy. So, gonna give it a nice little
shaky-shake. And we can pour it bake into the pot. There we go. And now our broccoli
is magically done at the same time. And we are going to take this and combine this in
our pot. There we go. Get in there little broccoli's. Okay. And then the exciting thing
about this is, everything that we have left just goes into the pot. So we're gonna start
with our cheese sauce, which is really exciting. So we pour this in there. And you can just
spoon out the left overs because it's so good. And our mushrooms. And I'm going to add a
little bit of red pepper flakes, again, because I think it tastes good and to make it a little
extra spicy-spicy. So there we go. We've got everything in here. So before we put it into
our glass baking dish, we're going to stir this all up. And it's going to be awesome.
So the great thing now about baking all of this is, the broccoli and the mushrooms are
just gonna get all flavorful and super exciting. Smells good. Alright, so, we are going to
get our glass baking dish out here, and pour the contents of our new mixture into the dish,
or you can spoon it out. That works too. So, get it all nice and exciting to go back into
the oven for about 20 minutes. Okay, so, it's mac n' cheese time. It's very exciting. Check
on this guy. And here we go. Oh my goodness. Everybody's favorite is mac n' cheese, and
this version is so, so, so yummy. So I'm just gonna put a little in a bowl just to make
all you guys super jealous that I'm getting to eat this right now. But you will get to
eat this as soon as possible. Alright, take a look at this, you guys. So amazing with
the mushrooms and the broccoli and the cheese and the spices. It's so good. This is my favorite
thing ever. Mac n' cheese, the cashew version. You're gonna wanna make this immediately.
So good.
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