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How to make Chinese Noodles


Temat: Podróże

Chinese Noodles
Hi. Welcome to showmethecurry.com. I'm Hetal.
I'm Anuja.
And today we're going to show you how to make Chinese noodles...
... a great favourite amongst everybody actually. Chinese food is so popular.
Here's what you need.
16 oz package of egg noodles or any variety of noodles,
1 tbsp of sesame oil,
2 tbsp of oil
1 tbsp each of minced ginger and minced garlic,
1 small onion, sliced
1 large carrot cut into matchsticks
1 1/2 cups packed of shredded cabbage
1/2 a bell pepper cut into julians
1 egg (optional)
approx 8 baby corns cut
2 tbsp of soy sauce or to taste
1 tbsp of white vinegar
1/2 tsp of black pepper or to taste
Hosin Sauce or your choice of Chinese Sauce – to taste
Chilli Sauce – to taste
2 stalks of green onions cut diagonally
So for the Chinese noodles recipe we use egg noddles but
you can use any variety of Chinese noodles.
And they need to be cooked per the instructions on the package.
Ours are cooked for only about 3-4 minutes and they were al dente meaning
that they're not overly cooked and that are going to hold their shape.
Once they've finished cooking we rinse them with some cold water
to stop the cooking process.
And we drizzle about a tbsp of sesame oil on them so they don't stick to each other.
Plus it gives a wonderful flavour.
And another very important point is the noodles always going to boiling water.
So near after the water has reached the boiling point,
then add the noodles
and about 3-4 minutes after that.
So we have a large ... very very large wok.
Now it's very good to have a big wok so taht you can move things around
They are not all crowded up.
It doesn't cook very well and evenly then.
So we've put the oil in and it's
actually already hard
so we're gonna add in the minced ginger and garlic
Cook for 30 seconds.
Now, we're gonna add in the onions.
And we also have a heat on high because we want these veggies
to cook very fast.
without getting oily.
You ready for the carrots?
So' I'm gonna give those carrots a little head start also
and then cook ... just soften a little bit.
And we're ready for the cabbage
and the bell pepper,
baby corn.
And toss it really well.
We like lots of vegetables in our noodles so ...
If you think it is too much
or if you want more
you can go ahead and add them.
And you can also switch out somebody's vegetables.
Some people like green beans
in their noodles so
finely slice them and add those in.
Our veggies have been cooking for about a minute now.
And we're gonna pushed them to one side.
And open up some space in our pan.
Now I'm gonna break the egg in here.
Now, it's completely optional. If you don't eat eggs you can leave it.
Now, I'm gonna move it around to taht it scrambles.
And once it is cooked through
we can mix it all together with the veggies.
It looks delicious already.
Add some black pepper.
Again this is to taste.
Get the noodles another quick toss
Turn down the stove heat.
Add it to the wok.
Chinese party tonight.
Now, the noddles usually come all wrapped in this bundle of noodles
So if those are hard for you to eat
you can take some kitchen shears
and just give it a cut here and there
and break them down to bite-size.
No, we're ready for our sauces.
White Vinegar
Soy Sauce
and here we have Hoisin Sauce
But can admit it or you can add any other sause [which you like].
And the Sambal, some chili sauce.
Now, a lot of these sauces and the vinegar and the soy sauce
are all to taste so
if you like things spicy
add them in
or omit it.
So the reinforcements have been called.
These noodles a little hard to work with
so if you have these clever spaghetti spoon, it's called.
It works really good to toss.
So we've been stirring and tossing
and tasting. It's the ebst part.
But everything we put in there, basically all the sauses
are completely to taste
so keep trying it and
keep adding in
until you get it to exactly how you wanned.
But this is how we'd like it and
our final step in here
We have some spring onions
This goes right on top because it gives a wonderful colour and a crunch.
Ready to serve.
So lets dig in. It's show time.
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