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Zahi Hawass - The Search for Antony and Cleopatra


Temat: Społeczeństwo i nauki społeczne

The search of the tomb of Cleopatra and Mark Antony
is very exciting.
We are now in temple of Taposiris Magna, located
about 50 kilometers west of Alexandria.
And we are inside the chamber,
that is located about may be 7 meters under the ground.
And this chamber is a perfect location to make us believe
that Cleopatra and Mark Antony could be buried in a chamber like this.
When I was 16 years old, I studied greco-roman archeology in Alexandria.
And I met professor [NAME UNCLEAR] Wahrani,
was a very intelligent archaeologist, and I asked him:
“Professor, what do you think, where is Cleopatra buried?”
He smiled and he said to me:
“Our knowledge and information say
that Cleopatra was buried in a tomb near her palace.”
I said: “Professor, but where is her palace?”
He said: “Under the water.”
Then I forget about Cleopatra completely until only four years ago
came to see me doctor Kathleen Martinez from the Dominican Republic.
And she began to convince me with a theory
that Cleopatra and Mark Antony were buried inside this temple,
Taposiris Magna, 50 kilometers west of Alexandria.
Actually, if you look at this temple,
it's a temple belonged to Osiris.
We have fourteen locations in Upper and Lower Egypt like this.
It was called in pharaonic Egypt [Per-Usir], mean “A place of Osiris”.
he cut him into fourteen pieces and threw them all over Egypt.
And this temple contains one piece of the body of the god Osiris.
And this could be a perfect place
for Mark Antony and Cleopatra to be buried.
We know from Plutarch, they were buried together.
We actually started our excavation three years ago.
I had a team, egyptian team, they were trained in the excavation techniques.
We discovered the temple deposit [foundation of the ancient Egyptians].
When they began to build a temple, they had to make a celebration.
And the celebration they put at deposit,
material to prove that they would build a temple in that location.
And we found out that this temple was built in the reign of Ptolemy IV.
About, may be, 2000 years ago.
The other important thing we discovered
is the temple for the goddess Isis inside the temple of Osiris.
And inside this temple we found a coin,
has a beautiful shape of Alexander the Great.
Another, head of the roman emperor was found,
and this beautiful head of Cleopatra was discovered.
And may be this can show that there was a chapel,
a religious chapel was build inside the temple by Cleopatra.
And the most interesting thing that we discovered until now
is 22 coins that have a shape of Cleopatra.
Outside the temple we discovered until now
may be one of the largest greco-roman cemeteries
to the east of the temple, about half a kilometer, full of tombs.
We excavated until now 20 tombs cut in the rock with the stairs.
And inside we found the mummies, inside this tombs.
Two mummies were gilded with gold.
Also another cemetery located west of this temple.
The discovery of this big cemetery can show
there is someone important should be buried inside this temple.
Because, if there is no one buried inside this temple,
the nobilities or officials will never cut their tombs near the temple of Taposiris Magna.
Then we used the radar,
and the reading showed us three locations inside the temple
that it is possible that one of them could be the entrance of the tomb
goes down for 20 to 25 meters.
We are hoping that it could be Cleopatra and Mark Antony,
because this would be a very important discovery.
But, as I say, archeology is based on theories.
We are examining a theory.
If we discover the tomb of Cleopatra and Mark Antony,
it will be the most important discovery of the XXI century.
If we did not discover the tomb of Cleopatra and Mark Antony,
we made major discoveries here, inside the temple and outside the temple.
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