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    Odwiedzasz EDU.LEARN

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  3. Wideo

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  4. Teksty

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The Concert Legends


Temat: Sztuka i rozrywka

"Without music, life would be a mistake" is a famous old saying. However, without the great musicians there is no great music. Those who are really interested in live concerts would have come across the names Tom Petty, Kanye West, Kenny Chesney, and Jimmy Buffett. They are the real music legends. Spare a little time to reading on, to know more about these legends. Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers: Tom Petty will be familiar as a singer, song writer, and a guitarist to those who love heartland rock music. The songs like "Don't Do Me Like That", "Refugee", "Runnin' Down a Dream", "The Waiting", "Don't Come Around Here No More", "I Won't Back Down", "Free Fallin'", "Mary Jane's Last Dance", "American Girl", "Learning to Fly" and "You Don't Know How It Feels", are heavily played hit singles by Tom Petty which act as medicines for broken hearts. Born and raised in Gainesville, Florida, USA, Tom was very much interested in rock and roll music early at the age of 11 when he met Elvis Presley. He began his recording career with Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers, the band's 1976 debut album, which was initially unpopular in the United States. Their second album, You're Gonna Get It! marked the band's first Top 40 album. Kanye West: Kanye West, who is one of the great American rap artists and a hip hop producer, released his debut album "The College Dropout" in 2004. His recent, third album being "Graduation" was released in 2007. All his albums received lots of awards (including nine Grammys). Kanye West who was born in Atlanta, Georgia was involved in a near car crash fatal in 2002 while driving home from the recording studio. The crash provided inspiration for West's first single, "Through the Wire". Kanye also won the 'best new artist' award in 2004. Kenny Chesney: Everyone who loves to hear music of country genre would have come across the name 'Kenny Chesney'. Born in Knoxville, Tennessee, Chesney has recorded thirteen albums, eleven of which have been certified gold or higher by the Recording Industry Association of America. 'I will Stand' Chesney's third album for BNA, was released in 1997. "She's Got It All", which served as the album's lead-off single, became Chesney's first Billboard Number One single, spending three weeks at the top of the country charts.. Yet another enthusiastic artist in the globe! Jimmy Buffett: Jimmy Buffet, the 62 year old businessman is also a successful singer and a song writer. His band is known as "the Coral Reefer Band". He has also produced movies recently including hits such as "Margaritaville". Buffett began his musical career in Nashville, Tennessee during the late 1960s as a country artist and recorded his first album, the folk rock Down to Earth, in 1970. Jimmy Buffett has released over 30 albums, as of October, 2007. In 2007 Buffett received the CMA Event of the Year Award for his song "Hey Good Looking" which featured Alan Jackson and George Strait. LET THE MUSIC BEGIN: Simple words cannot explain the capabilities of these great legends. You need to catch them live in action to have the electrifying experience of their live concerts. Getting the tickets to the live concerts of these musical legends has never been easy before. However, websites like seatexchange helps you fans of these great artists find their events and get the tickets for them all in one place with ease. So what are you waiting for? Grab your tickets and let's experience the extravaganza. Source: http://www.articlecircle.com/ - Free Articles Directory About the Author Michel Stevenson writes articles on Concert Tickets, Tom Petty Tickets. Other information written by the author related to Kanye West Tickets, Kenny Chesney Tickets and Jimmy Buffett Tickets can be found on the web.

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